• iOS ProgrammingMarch 11th, 2013

    Recently I've come across a few situations in which I wish I had some knowledge of objective-c and iOS. So in light of those events I've decided to start teaching myself! The most useful place I have found so far are the Stanford classes on iTunes-U in addition to a few books I found recommended around the internet focusing on game creation. I plan on posting a demo app in the games section soon, but until then I'll keep the blog up to date on my progress.

  • Wendell & Vinnie Perfect FitFebruary 4th, 2013

    I'll keep this post short and sweet. I'm excited to announce my first solo game while at Workinman Interactive. Head over to the games section to check it out! View Page

  • Imagine RITApril 21st, 2012

    On May 5th, 2012 Rochester Institute of Technology will be holding its annual Imagine RIT innovation and creativity festival. Exciting projects from RIT faculty and staff will be displayed all over campus for visitors to experience, and I will be running two booths! The first will be Vindictive(RTS) which will be located in the Gollisano College of Computing and Information Sciences and the second will be with Store World which has numerous locations throughout campus. Hopefully if you’re in the area you can stop by and see some of the projects.

  • RPI GamefestApril 15th, 2012

    As mentioned in an earlier post Jake Green, Dan Townsend and I won the IGM Kickstart event. From our victory we were invited to display Vindictive(RTS) at the RPI Gamefest. So if your near RPI on 4-28-12 feel free to stop by and take a look at Vindictive in action as well as numerous other RIT projects that will be on display.

    We look forward to seeing you!